2024 Fall Meeting
Ford’s Colony Country Club
October 26, 2024
Texas Branch Meeting
August 30, 2024
Heritage Week ~ Washington, D.C.
Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters in attendance
April 2024
Texas Branch ~ Lancaster, Texas
September 1, 2023
At the foot of the stairs, Branch President Lana Filgo,
National President Martelia Cunningham and Texas Branch members
National President Martelia Cunningham and Texas Branch members
Daughters of the Republic of Texas Convention ~ Galveston, Texas
Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters in attendance
May 4, 2023
National President, Dr. C. Martelia Cunningham was a guest of the
Daughters of the Republic of Texas at their State Conference held in Galveston, Texas on May 4.
Lana Filgo, President of the Texas Branch, Ancient Planters her daughter and member Barbara Filgo Rushing, National President Cunningham.
Daughters of the Republic of Texas at their State Conference held in Galveston, Texas on May 4.
Lana Filgo, President of the Texas Branch, Ancient Planters her daughter and member Barbara Filgo Rushing, National President Cunningham.
Ancient Planters President Teila Cunningham, speaker
Georgia Huguenot Society
April 29, 2023
Ancient Planters President Teila Cunningham
Heritage Week ~ Washington, D.C.
Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters in attendance
April 2023
Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters ~ Williamsburg, VA
October 28, 2022
National President, Dr. C. Martelia Cunningham (Telia) presents
Shelby Dean Ward her past National President plaque for 2 terms of service.
Shelby Dean Ward her past National President plaque for 2 terms of service.
Texas Branch Meeting ~ Salado, Texas
September 2, 2022
President, Lana Filgo, Chaplin, Mary Carolyn Trent. Guests included Mindy Lovell, Jane Buckman,
David Lavine along with two prospective members.
David Lavine along with two prospective members.
Alabama Branch Meeting ~ Birmingham, Alabama
May 21, 2022
Seated L-R Chaplain Rebecca Riddick, President Brenda Winter, Vice President Lynn Presley, Standing: Prospectives, Robert Burr, Sandy Carter, Nancy Billings, Members, Carey Gilbert II, Karen Campbell, Nancy Krenkel, Recording Secretary Gwen Williams and Prospective Shelia Gaddy
Georgia Branch Charter Meeting ~ Evans, Georgia
April 29, 2022
The Georgia Branch chartered with 20 members on April 29th in Evans, Georgia. Eleven members were present to sign the Charter including Telia Cunningham, Rebecca Dozier, Amy Pittman Lawson, Brenda DiCristina, Karen Dana, Sue H. Pittman, Mary Murphy, Leslie Strickland Watkins, Vanessa Watkins-Nutty, Maxine Maloney, and Dan Meacham. Charter members absent Frieda Gibby, Karen Kivette, Lilly Klehr, Allyson Moyer,
Marjorie Singley-Hall, Christian Smoot, Jennifer Viscusi, Janet Walker, and Rebecca West
Marjorie Singley-Hall, Christian Smoot, Jennifer Viscusi, Janet Walker, and Rebecca West
Texas Branch Meeting
September 2021
Alabama Branch Meeting
May 23, 2021
Alabama Branch President and National Certificate Chairman Brenda Winter,
National President C. Martelia Cunningham and Alabama Branch 1st Vice President Vicki Lynn Presley (seated)
National President C. Martelia Cunningham and Alabama Branch 1st Vice President Vicki Lynn Presley (seated)
Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters
2020 ~ COVID Cancellations
Texas Branch Meeting ~ Salado, Texas
September 17, 2018
Texas Branch Meeting
September 8, 2017
Alabama Branch Meeting
June 17, 2017
Heritage Week ~ Washington, D.C.
Order of Descendants of Ancient Planters in attendance
April 2017
National President Shelby Dean Ward at the Hereditary Society Community Gala
with Alabama ladies including ODAP member Leslie Kirk.
President Ward was awarded Honorary Membership in the Class of 2017
with Alabama ladies including ODAP member Leslie Kirk.
President Ward was awarded Honorary Membership in the Class of 2017